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Sunday, August 14, 2011

W2Servers Refund Fraud - What To Bring To The Police

This is what I am bringing to my local police department tomorrow:

  • Invoices from W2Servers' client area showing they were paid
  • Paypal records showing that it was paid
  • Every "please give us 24 - 48 hours" ticket and my response
  • Transfer tickets that were not responded to
  • Lyron's emails from 5/26/2011 and 07/11/2011

The 5/6 email is "exponential growth, temporary halted sales, my competitors do not like me, and feel free to ask for an email" and the 7/11 email is "we have a new colo and renumbered with IP addresses"

Print these out, get out of the house for 30 minutes to go to your local police department to talk to a detective, explain everything from them and file a report. THATS ALL YOU NEED TO DO, WHY HAVE ALL OF YOU GIVEN UP?

Your detective will talk to Dallas Police Dept and Hawaii PD to get to the bottom of this! If ENOUGH of us do this VERY SIMPLE act, we can get Lyron Foster thrown in jail for fraud.


  1. But, what if i live in europe(denmark)?

  2. Mauran,

    After talking to the police, they said it's a civil manner and I'm tracking down civil remedies such as a class action lawsuit against Lyron Foster. The police said it's not a fraud case since personal information was not illegally used and you had service for a period of time but was not denied service completely.
